Bruner's Constructivist Theory是由美国心理学家杰罗姆·布鲁纳(Jerome Bruner)提出的一种建构主义学习理论。该理论强调学习者通过主动构建知识和理解,基于已有的经验和认知结构,来解决问题和理解世界。 以下是Bruner's Constructivist Theory的主要内容和应用: 概念构建:布鲁纳认为学习是一种概念的构建过程,学习者通过...
Bruner's Constructivist Theory,由美国心理学家杰罗姆·布鲁纳提出,强调学习者通过主动构建知识,基于个人经验与认知结构来解决问题与理解世界。该理论的核心包括概念构建、发现学习和教师的指导与建构。布鲁纳认为,学习是一种构建概念的过程,学习者通过参与和互动,从经验中形成新的概念与思维模式。学习并...
Gestalt Theory ( Wertheimer ) Constructivist Theory ( Jerome Bruner )Wertheimer, Max
constructivist theoryA major theme in the theoretical framework of Bruner is that learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.. Because all learning is filtered through pre-existing schemata, constructivists suggest that ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook constructivist Thesaurus Encyclopedia Wikipedia con·struc·tiv·ism (kən-strŭk′tə-vĭz′əm) n. A movement in modern art originating in Moscow in 1920 and characterized by the use of industrial materials such as glass, sheet metal, and plastic to ...
Definition It isatheoryofknowledgethatarguesthathumangenerateknowledgeandmeaningfromaninteractionbetweentheirexperiencesandtheirideas.Constructivism:Theconstructionofwhat?We mayask:Whatisconstructed?1.Isitourindividualknowledgeabouttheworld?("Childrenconstructtheirownknowledge.")2.Isitthesharedand...
Constructivism was applied to learning mathematics, logic, and moral development. Bruner extended the theory to describe learning as an active process in which learners construct new concepts based on current/past knowledge (Bruner, 1986,1990). Learners are consistently involved in case-based or inqui...
Bruner (1966) states that a constructivists or theory of instruction should address four major aspects: (1) predisposition towards learning, (2) the ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by the learner, (3) the most effective sequences...
(Bateson, Jackson, Haley, & Weakland, 1956; Watzlawick & Weakland, 1977). The well-known double bind theory of schizophrenia was an early attempt to explain the effect of interpersonal communication on psychological development ADDIN EN.CITE (Bateson, 1976; Bateson, Jackson, Haley, & Weakland...
The work of Dewey, Montessori, Piaget, Bruner, and Vygotsky among others provide historical precedents for constructivist learning theory. Constructivism represents a paradigm shift from education based on behaviorism to education based on cognitive theory. Fosnot (1996) has provided a recent summary of...