If memes are understood as a discursive field in the completely new world of social media, in which different groups, their attitudes, ideologies and interests are represented more clearly and more directly than ever before through the appropriation of popular contents and images, then...
These memes collate with one's profile and, thus, the connotations attached to the memes one shares are then associated with one's online persona/profile. It is found that although a social networking user tries to portray him/herself in an idealised manner, these memetic connotations give a ...
Using Bourdieu's work on language as a framework, this article is an exploration to their recruitment and world-building practices on Instagram using memes and will be necessary to understand the movement, and to gain further insight into how memes are being used as propaganda....
I take memes to be mental states, and adapt Daniel Dennett's "intentional stance" argument that propositional attitudes are abstractions to apply to the broader class of memes. After examining the constraints that govern the ascription of memes, I summarize Dennett's theory of the self, which ...
Ajayi, Temitope MichaelIsraeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal (ISJHR)
Conclusions: Memes have built a positive culture towards research by showing it as something that produces satisfaction, self-realization and transcend-ence to those who carry it out.Fuentes K.I.M.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMex)Santillan-Garcia A....
Adrienne L Massanari and Shira Chess, 2018. "Attack of the 50-foot social justice warrior: the discursive construction of SJW memes as the monstrous feminine," Feminist Media Studies, volume 18, number 4, pp. 525-542, and at https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2018.1447333....