1Construction Phase Plan (CDM 2015)What you need to know as a busy builderHealth and Safety ExecutiveUnder the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) a construction phase plan is required for every construction project. This does not need to be complicated. If you are...
Constructionphaseplan 1.Descriptionofproject Projectdescriptionandprogrammedetailsincludinganykey dates. Detailsofclient,CDMco-ordinator,designer,principalcontractor andotherconsultants. Extentandlocationofexistingrecordsandplanswhichare relevanttohealthandsafetyonsite. ...
It may still come as a surprise to some that the CDM 2015 Regulations require a construction phase plan for any project. The need for a CPP comes from the UK's implementation of the EU Temporary or Mobile Sites Directive, which requires a 'health and safety plan' before setting up a ...
The literature review shows that, currently, BIM usage is confined mostly to the design and planning stages of the project, with very little of it being used in the construction phase in relation to H&S through hazard perception. However, the construction phase is where the bulk of accidents...
It is the role of the Principal Designer to take the lead in planning, managing, monitoring, and coordinating health and safety during the pre-construction phase (design and planning stage) of a project. Once construction begins, the Principal Contractor— the contractor appointed in writing by ...
CCB will closely follow the latest transition standards and policy guidelines towards low-carbon or zero-carbon in each country and region, regularly evaluate the local threshold selection criteria for projects, and phase out ineligible or out-of-date transition projects to avoid the proceeds raised ...
Articles The Building Safety Regulator’s Plan for ChangeDecember 2023View all articles Articles Churchill v. Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council [2023] EWCA Civ 1416December 2023View all articles Articles REPORTS FROM THE COURTSNovember 2023View all articles Articles HS2 Phase 2 Cancellation – Wh...
Major projects: 7th& Santa Fe, Los Angeles (LEED Gold), LEED documentation; Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, Los Angeles, sustainability consultant; USU Oasis Wellness Center,Cal State Northridge, biophilia consultant; Santa Clara (Calif.) Square Phase 2 (LEED Gold), LEED documentation. ...
13 The construction phase planDefinitionBackgroundThe duty to prepare the construction phase planChecklist for content of construction phase plandoi:10.1680/cdmre.34969.0013R. Joyce
The construction phase planContentsDefinitionBackgroundThe duty to prepare and monitor the construction phase planThe client's involvement in the construction phase planContent within a construction phase planChecklist of matters for inclusion in a construction phase planRaymond Joyce...