Droste, M., E´ sik, Z., Kuich, W.: The triple-pair construction for weighted ω-pushdown automata. In: Automata and Formal Languages (AFL 2017), EPTCS (2017) 101-113.Droste, M., Kuich, W.: The triple-pair construction for weighted ω-pushdown automata, to appear...
4 th Workshop“SoftwareEngineeringEducationandReverseEngineering” Zagreb5–12September2004 Aboutthestructureofacompiler constructioncourse DraganBojićETFBelgrade WithcreditstoZoranBudimac 4 th Workshop“SoftwareEngineeringEducationandReverseEngineering” Zagreb5–12September2004 SummaryofAnswerstothe Questionnaire–...
pushdown automatapushdown store languagesdescriptional complexityWe provide a new construction of a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) accepting the pushdown store language of a given pushdown automaton (PDA). The resulting NFA has a number of states which is quadratic in the number of states ...
pushdown automataWe provide a new construction of a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) accepting the pushdown store language of a given pushdown automaton (PDA). The resulting NFA has a number of states which is quadratic in the number of states and linear in the number of pushdown symbols...
Droste, M., E´ sik, Z., Kuich, W.: The triple-pair construction for weighted ω-pushdown automata. In: Automata and Formal Languages (AFL 2017), EPTCS (2017) 101-113.Droste, M., Kuich, W.: The triple-pair construction for weighted ω-pushdown automata, to appear...
higher-order pushdown automatasymbolic model-checkingverificationRecently, it has been shown that for any higher order pushdown system and for any regular set of configurations, the set , is regular. In this paper, we give an alternative proof of this result for second order automata. Our ...