Generally, Harmonized System of Nomenclature or HSN code was developed by the WCO (World Customs Organisation) which is used for classifying various goods. It is a 6-digit code, typically used for different goods. But, some countries utilize 8-digit codes for sub-classifying goods.So, the HSN...
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318–14); American Concrete Institute (ACI): Farmington Hills, MI, USA, 2014. 3. Euro-International Committee for Concrete (CEB). CEB-FIP Model Code; Thomas Telford Services Ltd.: Lausanne, Switzerland, 1993. 4. Barr, P.J.; Kukay, ...
of the adoption process, validating the first phase of the framework; (3) thematic analysis of transcriptions of semi-structured interviews to examine the adoption process based on the current best practices of the industry by purposely selected experienced customer Buildingasn2d01v8,e8n, dx oFOr ...
The focus in both resides in the specification of minimum U-values for walls and roofs. For example, in Dubai, Green Building Regulations limit U-values for the roof and walls to a maximum of 0.3 W/m2 K and 0.57 W/m2 K, respectively; whereas in Abu Dhabi, the Estidama PEARL code ...
The promulgation of a series of codes such as "Code for Quality Inspection of Building Energy Conservation Projects" and "Standard for energy efficiency inspection in residential buildings" has played a vital role in reducing emissions. The government's incentive schemes can promote the development ...
The comparison also showed that the total cost of the prefabricated construc- tion was 20% more than the conventional method of construction. With the acceleration of the Chinese national housing industrialization process, prefabricated building structures have developed rapidly. However, the cost of ...
Keywords: health and safety; risk assessment; construction; place of work; assessment protocol 1. Introduction This research is based on the critical analysis of several risk assessment methodologies and their application in building projects, during which the need to establish the parameters which ...
Therefore, county-level city governments should further implement the "Guidance on Innovative Government Allocation of Resources" and the "Opinions on Building a More Perfect System and Mechanism of Market Allocation of Factors" issued by the central government. They should promote market-oriented ...
Building upon this example and approach, a proposed analytical framework is pre- sented to serve as a model for action when dealing with the translation of textual forms adopted by multilingualism in a text. First, the categories of forms of multilingualism identified in the data and their ...