Works Contract GST Rate (Material supplied by the contractor) Works Contract Services HSN Code and GST Rate (Only labour supplied by the contractor) 18% 9954 Composite Supply of Works Contract and Goods (Goods < 25% of total contract value) 18% 9954 Composite Supply of Works Contract and Goo...
Prioritizing Best Value Contributing Factors for Contractor Selection: An AHP Approach. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate; Chau, K.W., Chan, I.Y.S., Lu, W., Webster, C., Eds.; Springer: Singapore, 2018; pp. 1121–...
Where risk tolerance is concerned, other considerations are: the factor of the reality of the construction sector, which includes the risks associated with the complexity of the units of work, their location and interdependence [1,2]; the factor of the contractor's economic response in terms of...
financial investment and commitment by hiring an EPC Sustainability 2018, 10, 2469 4 of 31 the entire FEED package is reviewed for the owner to make the final "Go" or "No-Go" decision, which will result in a significant financial investment and commitment by hiring an EPC contractor. The...