We provide a range of construction insurance services on both an annual, as well as a single project basis….
( 2003 ), “ The determinants of enterprise risk management: evidence from the appointment of chief risk officers ”, Risk Management and Insurance Review, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 37 - 52 . [] []X. Zhao, B.G. Hwang, and W. Phng, "Construction project risk management in Singapore: ...
Equipment breakdown insurance: If your machinery is not working properly, it can put a halt to your construction job and you risk missing deadlines. This coverage can assist you with the costs of maintenance and repair, and even provide you with temporary rental equipment while yours is being f...
Marsh McLennan Agency, a subsidiary of Marsh, reported it has acquired AC Risk Management (ACRM), an independent commercial lines brokerage based in Melville, New York. Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed. Founded in 2012, ACRM primarily offers property/casualty insurance … ...
Policyholders are subject to the credit risk of relevant insurance company. For life insurance product, an insurance plan may comprise a savings element. Part of the premium will be paid for the insurance and related costs. If a customer is not completely satisfied with his/her life insu...
Builders Risk Insurance This is a type of inland marine policy that insures the structures that your company is building, along with all of the materials that are onsite. Contractors are able to buy these types of policies on a per-project basis and they will usually cover damage caused to...
Insurance coverage and liability project for both parties is also defined. 10. Turnkey Contract This agreement is where the contractor agrees to deliver a completed project that’s ready for immediate use by the owner. The contractor will take full responsibility for both the project’s design ...
Contractors often carrya variety of insurance policiesto protect their company from financial loss in the event of a mistake or accident on the jobsite. Your insurance company has a vested interest in reducing claims, and they can often provide tools and recommendations to reduce jobsite risk –...
1 China Baowu Steel Group Corporation Limited 2 Taiping Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Traditional -Ordinary insurance product-022L- CT001SH Foreign legal person State-owned legal person State-owned legal person Foreign legal person State-owned legal person Foreign legal person State-owned legal person ...
SINGAPORE, April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- China Construction Bank Singapore Branch Signs Statement of Intent with MAS-launched ESG data platform Gprnt