One commonly used, subjective approach to assessing attention consistency, both in the lab and in everyday life, is the thought-probe method. This technique is most frequently used to capture subjects’ mind-wandering (or task-unrelated thought; TUT) experiences as they occur, and has been used...
It’s the dressing up part that has me mentally preparing in anticipation for what may come. I don’t want to standout. I’ve been told I dress without enough flair to indicate I’m gay; odd, as I think the mere fact that I’m a dude in a gay establishment is more than enough ...
AHabitis a rapidly activated specific response in a specific context, which has been repeatedly performed previously, it is in itself inflexible and shows some resistance to change (in context, outcome, motivation). The term “habits” is used on different levels of description, ranging from self...
because she would love to feel happy anticipation instead of fear as the clock approaches time for the husband to return home and she wonders what kind of emotional state he’ll be in when he returns or even if or when
Baumeister, R. F., Vohs, K. D., DeWall, C. N., & Zhang, L. (2007). How emotion shapes behavior: feedback, anticipation, and reflection, rather than direct causation.Personality and Social Psychology Review, 11(2), 167–203.
The status of thematic roles such as Agent and Patient in cognitive science is highly controversial: To some they are universal components of core knowledge, to others they are scholarly fictions without psychological reality. We address this debate by posing two critical questions: to what extent ...