Nature 489, 550–553 (2012). Article CAS Google Scholar Kirwan, M. L. & Gedan, K. B. Sea-level driven land conversion and the formation of ghost forests. Nat. Clim. Change 9, 450–457 (2019). Article Google Scholar Osland, M. J. et al. Migration and transformation of coastal...
On the contrary, the Permian metapelites of the lowest imbrication, labelled the Souk-el-Had (or South-Federico) unit, likely suffered a metamorphic climax under lower P/T gradient than its northern equivalent (Beni Mezala-1 unit), with peak conditions close to 550–600 °C and 1.2 ...
The other set aims to constrain the net-zero CO2 budget to 550 Gt, or the lowest possible value in case that this is not possible given the models’ default constraints, or any of the dedicated feasibility assumptions in the respective scenarios. All models implement equivalent mitigation ...
Extensive research has been conducted to assess impacts of BC on climate based on its mass concentrations. Near-surface mass concentration and its vertical distribution have been widely studied using ground-based measurements17,18,19, aircraft campaigns20,21,22and models3,10,23. Despite these extens...