"Constrain" is a verb meaning to restrict or limit. "Constraint" is a noun denoting a restriction or limitation. Both words relate to imposing restrictions but differ in their grammatical use.
For additional information, refer to the SQL statement in which you define or redefine a constraint for a table or view. Oracle Database does not support constraints on columns or attributes whose type is a user-defined object, nested table, VARRAY, REF, or LOB, with two exceptions: NOT...
In this case, restart the task. The destination does not support tables whose mapping fields are all primary keys. Only at-least-once delivery is supported; exactly-once delivery is not, meaning data may be duplicated. To ensure data consistency, a primary key and target system capabilities ...
The aut_id column is defined with data type VARCHAR(8) and marked as NOT NULL, meaning a value must be provided for this column in each row. It also serves as the primary key for the table. The aut_name, country, and home_city columns are defined with their respective data types and...
Meaning a car can only have one specific tire. car_idtire_idother_id 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 8 3 4 3 4 1 1 5 3 8 6 1 9 7 In the above example, all values are acceptable, except (1, 9), because a car_id of 1 is already paired with a tire_id. I also added the other_id ...
“Unable to enlist in the transaction” with Oracle linked server from MS SQL Server [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>] in non clustered index [Execute SQL Task] Error: The value type (__ComObject) can only be converted to variables of type Object. [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source nam...
Returns primary keys for all tables in the database. public yii\db\Constraint[] getSchemaPrimaryKeys($schema = '', $refresh = false) $schema string The schema of the tables. Defaults to empty string, meaning the current or default schema name. $refresh boolean Whether to fetch the latest ...
is mysql so different to sql? because 2 years ago i created the same table with no problems in sql :( here the whole code CREATE table Mitarbeiter( Mitarbeiternummer INT(5), Personennummer INT(5) constraint not_null_mitarbpersnr NOT NULL, Gehalt INT(10), Chef_Mitarbeiternummer INT(5)...
Returns unique constraints for all tables in the database. public\yii\db\Constraint[][]getSchemaUniques($schema='',$refresh=false) $schemastring The schema of the tables. Defaults to empty string, meaning the current or default schema name. ...
In some cases, constraints are placed on the Property element’s value for specific values of the Name attribute of the Property element. If such constraints exist, they are specified where the meaning of the particular property name is specified. These constraints MUST be followed. If the optio...