TSqlFragmentVisitor TSqlParser TSqlParserToken TSqlScript TSqlStatement TSqlStatementSnippet TSqlTokenType TSqlTriggerEventGroupHelper TSqlTriggerEventTypeHelper UnaryExpression UnaryExpressionType UniqueConstraintDefinition UniqueRowFilter UnpivotedTableReference UnqualifiedJoin UnqualifiedJoinType ...
Definition To limit or restrict The state of being limited or restricted 27 Example "These rules constrain us from playing." "There are several constraints to consider." 21 Usage Implies an action that's happening or may occur Signifies a condition already in place 13 Origin Derived from Latin...
SQL database in Microsoft Fabric Specifies the properties of a PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY, a CHECK constraint, or a DEFAULT definition added to a table by usingALTER TABLE. Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax syntaxsqlCopy [CONSTRAINTconstraint_name] { {PRIMARYKEY|UNIQUE} [CLUSTERED|NON...
共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 發行項 2013/02/01 本文內容 屬性 請參閱 包含保護的成員 包含繼承的成員 ConstraintDefinition型別公開下列成員。 屬性 上層 請參閱 參考 ConstraintDefinition 類別 Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom 命名空間...
针对外键列的索引使数据库引擎可以在外键表中快速查找相关数据。 示例 有关示例,请参阅ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL)。 ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL) column_definition (Transact-SQL) 反馈 此页面是否有帮助? 是否 提供产品反馈| 在Microsoft Q&A 获取帮助
SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance SQL database in Microsoft Fabric Specifies the properties of a PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE, or CHECK constraint that is part of a new column definition added to a table by usingALTER TABLE. ...
(Inherited from ConstraintDefinition) DeleteAction Represents the action to be taken at delete. FirstTokenIndex Gets or sets the first index of the token. (Inherited from TSqlFragment) FragmentLength Defines the number of characters the fragment takes up in the script it was pa...
To create check constraint the SQL standard syntax[ CONSTRAINT [symbol] ] CHECK ( condition) [ [ NOT ] ENFORCED ] 1 [ CONSTRAINT [symbol] ] CHECK ( condition) [ [ NOT ] ENFORCED ] is supported in the column definition and table definition of CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements....
ConstraintDefinition 类型公开以下成员。构造函数展开表 名称说明 ConstraintDefinition Initializes a new instance of the ConstraintDefinition class.页首属性展开表 名称说明 ConstraintIdentifier Gets the name of the constraint. FirstTokenIndex Gets or sets the first token index. (从 TSqlFragment 继承。)...
新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 發行項 2013/02/01 本文內容 方法 請參閱 包含保護的成員 包含繼承的成員 ConstraintDefinition型別公開下列成員。 方法 上層 請參閱 參考 ConstraintDefinition 類別 Microsoft.SqlServer.TransactSql.ScriptDom 命名空間...