We derive an upper bound on the normwise backward error of an approximate solution to the equality constrained least squares problem min Bx=d min|| x ||2 \\leqslant a || b - Ax ||2 \\min _{\\left\\| x \\right\\|_2 \\leqslant \\alpha } \\left\\| {b - Ax} \\right\\...
摘要: We derive an upper bound on the normwise backward error of an approximate solution to the equality constrained least squares problem minBx=d ‖b − Ax‖2. Instead of minimizing over the four perturbation关键词: Equality constrained least squares problem least squares minimization over a ...
Matrix iterative solutions to the least squares problem of BXA T = F with some linear constraints Matrix iterative algorithms are proposed for solving the matrix least square problem of BXA T = F with variant linear constraints on solutions such as symm... Y Qiu,Z Zhang,J Lu - 《Applied...
thesolutionofinequality-constrainedleastsquaresproblemanditsstatistical 系统标签: 不等式约束constrainedinequalitysquaresstatistical 第36卷第1期测绘学报VoI.36,No.1 2007年2月ACTAGEODAET CAetCARTOGRAPH CAS N CAFeb., !!! 2007 文章编号:1001-1595(2007)01-0050-06中图分类号:P207文献标识码:A 不等式约束最...
This sensitivity can then be used to efficiently solve the least-squares problem. Findings |!|#8211; The authors derived the adjoint formulation in a continuous setting allowing the direct and adjoint states to be attributed the role of different fields to be solved. They are one-way coupled ...
The algorithm recasts the least-squares problem in terms of a parameterized eigenvalue problem. Only two of the smallest eigenpairs of the parameterized problem need to be computed to find the optimal solution from the parameterized eigenvector. Safeguards are introduced to adjust the parameter and ...
The inequality-constrained least squares (ICLS) problem can be solved by the simplex algorithm of quadratic programming. The ICLS problem may also be reformulated as a Bayesian problem and solved by using the Bayesian principle. This paper proposes using the aggregate constraint method of non-linear...
We also introduce a third semidefinite constrained least squares problem called the linear matrix inequality least squares (LMI-LS ) problem, which is a generalization of the first two problems. Sufficient conditions for the existence and uniquenss of solutions for each of these three problems is ...
17.On Perturbations of the Equality Constrained Stiffly Weighted Least Squares Problem;等式约束加权最小二乘问题的扰动分析 18.Least-squares Solution for the Inverse Problem of Several Matrices;几类子阵约束下矩阵反问题的最小二乘解 相关短句/例句 ...
1) Constrained weighted least squares 约束加权最小二乘1. We focus on the equality constrained weighted least squares problem(WLSE),with the weight matrix severally stiff. 证明了对于刚性问题,约束加权广义逆,约束加权投影和等式约束加权最小二乘问题的扰动是稳定的,当且仅当系数矩阵的扰动满足若干秩等...