(2006), THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS AND THEIR COMPLEMENTARY NORMS: A COMPLETE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE OFFICIAL LATIN TEXTS translated by Carl J. Moell, S.J [Number 15 in Series I: Jesuit Primary Sources in English Translation], The Institute of Jesuit Sources, St. Louis, ...
THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS, PART VIII: UNION AMONG JESUITS by Antonio M. de Aldama SJ, translated by Ignacio Echaniz SJ, The Institute of Jesuit Sources, Saint Louis, MO, 1998Brian Van Hove
Book Reviews: Spiritual Theology:Constitutions of the Society of Jesus: Incorporation of a Spirit. By various authors. Rome: Secretariatus Spiritualitatis Ignatianae, and Anand, Gujarat, India: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 1993. Pp. 400. Price $10.00 Placed with the Son: Glimpses into the ...
The Society of Jesus itself put too long a great emphasis on the famous letter on obedience send to the Jesuits in Portugal in 1553 on March 26. This letter aim at the extremely austere way of living of the young Jesuits in Portugal and proposes a more inner austerity, namely obedience. ...
THE CONSTITUTIONS OF THE SOCIETY OF JESUS, PART VIII: UNION AMONG JESUITS by Antonio M. de Aldama SJ, translated by Ignacio Echaniz SJ, The Institute of Jesuit Sources, Saint Louis, MO, 1998doi:10.1111/j.0028-4289.2005.0119c.xBrian Van Hove...
The Constitutions of the Society of Jesus as a Resource for Ignatian PedagogyGrummer, James E.Ignaziana: Rivista di Ricerca Teologica
In this sense, the rhetoric provides the text with a different kind of objective character that precludes purely subjectivist interpretations.Geger, Barton T.Sage Publications, Inc.Theological Studies