The meaning of CONSTITUTIONAL LAW is a body of statutory and case law that is based on, concerns, or interprets a constitution.
Define Constitutional law. Constitutional law synonyms, Constitutional law pronunciation, Constitutional law translation, English dictionary definition of Constitutional law. law that relates to the constitution, as a permanent system of political and ju
Constitutional law definition: the body of law that evolves from a constitution, setting out the fundamental principles according to which a state is governed and defining the relationship between the various branches of government within the state.. Se
法律英语-CONSTITUTIONAL--LAW(宪法).PPTX,CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Important Points1.the status of Constitution2.the principles of Government3.Povisions for Amendment4.basic Constitutional ConceptsIntroduction to Constitution The Constitution is the soul of law
3. provided by, in accordance with, or not prohibited by such a constitution: the constitutional powers of the president; a constitutional law. 4. belonging to or inherent in the character or makeup of a person's body or mind: a constitutional weakness for sweets. 5. pertaining to the ...
法律英语课件-CONSTITUTIONAL LAW(宪法)CONSTITUTIONALLAW ImportantPoints 1.thestatusofConstitution2.theprinciplesofGovernment3.PovisionsforAmendment4.basicConstitutionalConcepts IntroductiontoConstitution TheConstitutionisthesouloflawinUnitedStates.TheConstitutionstatestheframeworkforallAmericanlaw....
the constitutional powers of the president; a law held to be constitutional by the Supreme Court. belonging to or inherent in the character or makeup of a person's body or mind: a constitutional weakness for sweets. pertaining to the constitution or composition of a thing; essential. beneficia...
WordReference Definition Synonyms WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语 中文 constitutional law n (law related to constitution) SC 宪法xiàn fǎ TC 憲法 In Ed's opinion, the government is breaking constitutional law by spying on Americans. 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进...
Learn all about U.S. Constitutional Law. Discover what constitutional law is, examples of constitutional law, and see the constitutional law...
Define constitutional formula. constitutional formula synonyms, constitutional formula pronunciation, constitutional formula translation, English dictionary definition of constitutional formula. n. A chemical formula that shows how the atoms and bonds in