on the Constitution of India. Many key features of the constitution are directly taken from this Act: the federal structure of government, provincial autonomy, a bicameral central legislature consisting of a federal assembly and a Council of States, and the separation of legislative powers between ...
1.The physical makeup of a body, including the mode of performance of its functions, the activity of its metabolic processes, the manner and degree of its reactions to stimuli, and its power of resistance to the attack of pathogenic organisms or other disease processes. ...
Constitution of IndiaNinth Schedulevoting rulesubstantive rightsconstitutional amendmentEconomists have argued that an independent judiciary will enforce legislative bargains with interest groups beyond the legislative term, increasing the durability of rents and transfers, and thereby increasing rent seeking. ...
The various provisions derived are Fundamental Rights and Supreme Court from the USA, Directive Principles Of State Policy from Ireland, Emergency from Germany, Distribution of Legislative powers from Canada and Parliamentary Institutions from United Kingdom. Sovereignty Of The People The Constitution ...
Constitution of India, 1949 TENTH SCHEDULE [Articles 102(2) and 191(2) Provisions as to disqualification on ground of defection 1. Interpretation.- In this Schedule, unless the context otherwise requires,- (a) ‘House’ means either House of Parliament or the Legislative Assembly or, as the...
political principles, establishing the organisation, powers and duties of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, details the division of power between the Union (central government) and the States (regional governments), and delineate the fundamental rights and duties of citizens of India....
What are vulnerable groups in India- their status. What does the Constitution of India provide for their assistance. What does the Government provide for their upliftment ...
The legislative challenges posed by Brexit and the unusual circumstances of the pandemic have led to a significant increase in the use of secondary legislation. The former Head of the Government Legal Department,Jonathan Jones, argues that mass use of statutory instruments is problematic, and that ...
Before present Constitution came into force the East India Company, and afterGovernment of India Act, 1858, which transferred the Government of India to HerMajesty with its rights and liabilities, the Secretary of State Council were liable for thetortuous acts of their servants committed in the co...
British ConstitutionParliamentary government, Rule of Law, legislative procedure, single citizenship, cabinet system,prerogative writs,doctrine of pleasure,parliamentary privileges and bicameralism. American ConstitutionFundamental rights, independence of the judiciary, judicial review,impeachmentof the president,rem...