Chellingsworth MElsevier Ltd.LancetChellingsworth M. Constipation as a presenting symptom of multiple sclerosis. Lancet 2003;362:1941.Chellingsworth M. Constipation as a presenting symp- tom of multiple sclerosis. Lancet 2003; 362: 1941.
However, the doctor needs to be aware of some signs that may indicate that constipation is a symptom of some other disease, such as metabolic disorders or intestinal tumor. In these cases, do not just diagnose constipation, you need to identify the cause. In healthy young people, mostly ...
Constipation is a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements or difficulty in passing stools. Constipation is a symptom of a disease or condition. Causes of constipation range from not drinking enough fluids to poor diet to mechanical issues such as an obstruction in the intestine. Symptoms of...
Constipation is a symptom, not a disease. There are some serious medical conditions that can cause chronic constipation. Make sure you see your doctor for a medical evaluation. If you are healthy and looking for safe and effective long-term relief for chronic constipation, you might find help ...
IBS Constipation - Constipation, both chronic and intermittent, is often a symptom of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as defined by the Rome diagnostic guidelines.
Constipation (irregularity of bowels; lack of regular bowel movements), is a common symptom, but often, constipation remains unrecognized until the patient develops sequelae such as anorectal disorders or diverticular disease. Several definitions of constipation have been proposed based upon passing stools...
As long as this is pasty stool, it is okay. Passage of firm or dry stool in this age once or twice a day, or for less than 3 times in a week is considered constipation symptom in a newborn baby. Other symptoms of constipation in a newborn baby may be reduced food intake, ...
Increased gas (flatulence) is a common symptom and side effect of high-fiber diets. The gas occurs because the bacteria normally present within the colon are capable of digesting fiber to a small extent. The bacteria produce gas as a byproduct of their digestion. All fibers, no matter what...
Stress can cause constipation. During periods of chronic stress, your digestion system may not work as efficiently, and constipation may occur as a result. When the body’s natural stress response engages, the digestive system slows down so energy can be diverted to other areas in case you nee...
To avoid pain, a person with one of these problems sometimes resists the urge to defecate. This can cause symptoms of constipation.Less often, constipation may be a symptom of an illness or condition that affects the digestive tract, the brain, or the spinal cord. Some examples include ...