in 'constexpr' expansion of 'bar()' in 'constexpr' expansion of 'foo()' error: overflow in constant expression [-fpermissive] 233 | constexpr auto x = bar(); 如果函数嵌套多了,报错信息也非常糟糕。不同于模板的地方在于,constexpr 函数也可以在运行期运行。所以我们可以在运行期调试代码,最后...
It's always good to spread knowledge in more languages. 也就是允许翻译了。但是我并不懂俄文,所以主要参考了原文结构,而主体部分,基本都是我重新叙述的。 原文内容较长,故分为上下两篇,这是上篇 很神奇吗? constexpr 是当代 C++ 中最神奇的关键字之一。它使得某些代码可以在编译期执行。
Are elements above 137 possible? Moving the content up and down in header and footer Type vs. Set Theory: Expressive Ability What is the maximum rated EV charger I can install and use here? Doesn't our awareness of qualia imply the brain is non-deterministic? Find the newest elemen...
To make such construct working well with the rest of the language properly, it has been decided thatif constexpris defined as a branch for instantiation. As such, we can make some code non-instantiated, even in non templates! externinta;voidhelper_1(int*);voidfunc_c(){ifconstexp...
What's the difference between static constexpr and static inline variables in C++17? 用C++ 17得到内联变量。 它们的一个用途是在类中定义常量字段。 那么这两个常量定义之间的区别是什么: 1 2 3 4 classMyClass{ staticconstexprintmyFirstVar=10; ...
Exception handling in C++ Assertion and user-supplied messages Modules Templates Event handling Microsoft-specific modifiers Compiler COM support Microsoft extensions Nonstandard behavior Compiler limits C/C++ preprocessor reference C++ standard library reference ...
1 constexpr说明符只能应用于变量或变量模板的定义、函数或函数模板的声明或文字类型的静态数据成员的声明...