Apple TV+ has unveiled the first trailer for Constellation, its upcoming eight-part conspiracy-based psychological thriller series, starring Noomi Rapace and Jonathan Banks, ahead of its February 21 debut.Created and written by Peter Harness, Constellation stars Rapace as Jo – an astronaut who retu...
Jo returns to earth after a disaster in space and discovers that there are missing pieces in her life, so she sets out to expose the truth about the hidden secrets of space travel and recover what she has lost.
A 'Touched by an Angel' spin-off about an out-of-work family crossing the U.S. in an old trailer, helping others while trying to realize their own American dream. 1996TV14Drama, Family, Other Where to Watch Alphas 2 Seasons A team of people with extraordinary abilities investigates crimes...
Released in January 2024, the official trailer of Constellation is titled “A catastrophe in space. Madness on Earth.” The clip opens with Rapace’s astronaut on a space mission, where we see her talking to her daughter on Earth when a sudden accident causes massive damage. But Jo successfu...
Constellationpresents motherhood as an esteemed role and also something that should be a choice, a responsibility to which one can only authentically devote themselves if they crave its demands and rigors, rather than resigning themselves to it. Similar to a high-stress career — like, say, an...
It’s Always Sunny Takes a Field Trip to Abbott Elementary The trash man and the man about trash are arguing in the new trailer. she's a superqueen Yesterday at 4:54 p.m. Jason Momoa Gets Recast in the DC Universe In the upcoming Supergirl movie. slap the... Yesterday at 2:30...
Check out the trailer below.20th February 2024 Tags: Ben SalisburySuvi-Eeva Äikäs Post navigation PreviousPrevious post:Huge congratulations to Daniel Pemberton on his Annie Awards win for ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse’!NextNext post:‘Out of Darkness’ scored by...
Apple TV+今日發佈全新科幻驚悚影集《異星謎變 Constellation》最新預告,以太空科幻為背景,並結合陰謀論和心理驚悚元素。 本劇由《龍紋身的女孩》瑞典女星 Noomi Rapace 領銜主演,講述了一名在太空中遭遇重大災難後返回地球的女太空人。然而,她卻發現自己所認知的世界發生巨大變化,甚至失去了生命中重要的一部分。影集不...
Constellation: Directed by Jordan Walker-Pearlman. With Daniel Bess, Ever Carradine, David Clennon, Rae Dawn Chong. A painter living in exile returns home where his family endured generations of racial violence. There he begins to fantasize the people ar
‘SNL50: Beyond Saturday Night’ Trailer: New Docuseries Goes Behind the Scenes With Amy Poehler, Will Ferrell, Seth Meyers and More Pete Davidson Says He Is ‘Very Happy’ After Taking a Step Back From Acting: ‘I Got Hit on the Face With the Hollywood S...