importorg.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.power.Constants;//導入依賴的package包/類/** * The main method. * *@paramargs the arguments *@throwsIOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)throwsIOException{ String experimentName ="planetlab_npa"; String ...
self._display.banner("CUSTOM STATS: ")# per host#TODO:come up with 'pretty format'forkinsorted(stats.custom.keys()):ifk =='_run':continueself._display.display('\t%s: %s'% (k, self._dump_results(stats.custom[k], indent=1).replace('\n','')))# print per run custom statsif'_...
experiment. It is important that only the independent variable change in the experiment. Any factor that changes could impact the outcome. Examples: Scenario: Catalase is an enzyme that breaks hydrogen peroxide down into water and oxygen gas. ...
Stanisz and Henkelman (16) have used a diffusion-CPMG experiment =-=(41)-=- to analyze the diffusion characteristics of different T 2 relaxation components in bovine optic nerve. The long T2 component, assigned to the intra-axonal water was found to have an anisotropy factor......
This function is used to model the fluorescence rise F observed in the experiment, and allows us to construct a five-dimensional fit function G(n À n0,fit, IL, THD þ , Ti)[g(Ti)—g(Tf)]/ [g(Ti)–g0], with g0 the steady-state scattering rate before secular excitation. The...
7 An alternative method is evaluation of velocity of phonon propagating in the polymer crystal, which can be made by measuring the Raman LAM band 12 (LAM: longitudinal acoustic mode) or the frequency-dispersion curve by neutron scattering experiment. 13 Thus eval- uated limiting modulus must be...
Therefore, measurements of metal ion concentrations require the use of an effective molar absorption coefficient that is determined in the same conditions as those of planned experiment. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the National Science Centre (NCN) under OPUS grant No. 2011/01/B/...
(3) are in approximate agreement with experiment. However, the utility of this expression is restricted by the limited availability of the data underlying the calculation. Eq. (3) requires that the polymer’s density and the refractive indexes of both the solvent and of the amorphous polymer ...
It is based on the original G-BIRD-HSQMBC experiment [16], [21] in where an additional refocusing period is added prior to proton acquisition to generate complementary IP and AP data. The G-BIRD element applied during the first Δ delay is used to minimize the intensity of the direct ...
Physical modeling is an effective technique for simulating a real seismic survey in the laboratory and to obtain seismic-scale elastic parameters. The reflection experiment was performed over the physical model. In the present study, the scaling factor for our modeling is 5,000; as a result, ex...