While VITT can represent challenges as a novel disorder, blood clots themselves are not new A vial of AstraZeneca vaccine is seen at a mass COVID-19 vaccination clinic in Calgary, Alta., Thursday, April 22, 2021. Dr. Ben Chan remembers hearing the preliminary reports back in March ...
In several communities around the country, cases ofchildren testing positivefor COVID-19 havealready disruptedthe beginning of the school year, forcing classmates and teachers into quarantine. Though the kids overall have a lower risk of becoming seriously ill from the virus, some haveended up hosp...
“Without such makeshift hospitals, many COVID-19 patients like me may never have found a bed,” said Feng, who recovered and was discharged (获准离开) from the makeshift hospital in Wuchang district at the end of February after staying there for 12 days. Like Feng, more than 12,000 CO...
Covid-19 is an airborne disease and several superspreader events have occurred at indoor gyms. Experts recommend gyms open the windows when possible, use air filter systems when not and that exercisers stay more than 6 feet away from each other [source: Reynolds]. Gym locker rooms are usuall...