The transmission allows considerable relative movements, both radial and axial, between the driving and driven shafts without the use of members which require lubrication.doi:EP0193500 A2Santanera, OrestePavese, EttoreEP
An aircraft rotor having a drive shaft (2), a number of blades (3) extending substantially radially with respect to the shaft (2), and a constant-velocity transmission (5) connecting the blades (3) to the shaft (2); the transmission (5) having a hub (4) supported adjustably about a...
Constant-velocity transmission joint, comprising a tripod 4 securely fastened to a drive shaft 2, provided with three radial arms 5 equipped with rolling elements interacting with raceways 9 made in a barrel 11 securely fastened to a driven shaft 3, in which each rolling element consists of two...
Recent developments on target tracking problems: A review ManavKumar,SharifuddinMondal, inOcean Engineering, 2021 2.3.1Constant velocity model (CV model) Thestate equationis the assumptions about the target motion laws, for example, suppose that the target moves in astraight linewith aconstant velo...
Sudden failures of constant velocity joints are rare, but CV joints do wear out and may fail as a result of loss of lubrication or grease contamination (usually due to a failed boot). A CV joint that is failing usually produces various symptoms: ...
The power splitting constant velocity transmission for a motor vehicle has an input shaft (10)and an output shaft with a splitting drive (14) which splits the input torque into two output torque paths. One of these paths is connected with the output shaft and the other with a variator. In...
PURPOSE:To reduce the transmission shock, by controlling the connecting condition of friction connecting elements for engine brake responding to the shift down condition whether it is in the acceleration or in the deceleration, in a shift down operation in a constant speed running. CONSTITUTION:The ...
The present invention relates to a plunging tripod type constant velocity universal joint to be used for power transmission in automobiles, industrial machines, and the like. BACKGROUND ART As illustrated in FIG. 15a and FIG. 15b, a tripod type constant velocity universal joint 51 includes an ou...
As one type of a plunging constant velocity universal joint, there has been known a tripod type constant velocity universal joint. As types of the tripod type constant velocity universal joint in terms of a roller being a torque transmission member, there have been known a single-roller type ...
As illustrated in FIGS. 7, 8, 9, and 19, there are several different kinds of constant velocity universal joints, usually used at the transmission end of the half-axles, whose individual internal components can be ground on the grinding machine of this invention. ...