as evidenced on Reddit.One userposited the notion to their fellow "Family Guy" fans, pointing out how poorly she was treated in one episode, "The scenes are great and funny and well done but for the first time ever (this rewatch) I actually started to feel bad for Meg. When they are...
LLCCCC--SS ccoommppeennssaatteedd WWPPTT cchhaarrggiinngg ssyysstteemmss.. The M-type model analysis method is also applicable to the analysis of the LCC-S compensation topology. According to the foregoing analysis, the M-type model is applied to investigate the LCC-S compensation topology...
KKeeyywwoorrddss:: ffaattiigguuee;; ccrraacckk ggrroowwtthh;;mmeettaalllliiccmmaatteerriiaallss;;ppllaassttiicciittyy;;ccrraacckkcclloossuurree;;ssppeeccttrruummloloaaddiningg 11.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn TThhiissaarrttiicclleeiissddeeddiiccaatteeddttooDDrr..WWoolflfEElblbeerraannddhh...
T_NFEEL_L_1 = "t_nfeel_l_1" """ 属性_能力 交互对象N感觉<1 """ T_NFEEL_L_3 = "t_nfeel_l_3" """ 属性_能力 交互对象N感觉<3 """ T_NFEEL_L_5 = "t_nfeel_l_5" """ 属性_能力 交互对象N感觉<5 """ T_BFEEL_GE_1 = "t_bfeel_ge_1" """ 属性...
Unfortunately, I am unable to bring him back to the vet due to my financial situation. Makes me feel just awful because he deserves so much more, and all I can offer at this point is warmth, food and lots of love. Contact: Rebecca Wallkill, New York - ...
Humans may not fully develop the sensory system for managing roll motion, and thus may feel less severe motion sickness for roll axis than others. Yaw is the most natural rotation for a human turn, so that it may be most susceptible to visual-vestibular cue mismatch. Bonato et al. (2009...
4.3. Operation Condition In order to achieve the expected operation in the proposed circuit, three conditions need to be guaranteed. 4.3.1. Operation Frequency fS Since the proposed method in the paper is applied to reduce the short current in the capacitive case, Zin must be resistive-...