and I wanted a delicious vegetarian English breakfast. For the uninitiated, that involves an egg, “bubble and squeak,” baked beans, a veggie sausage, and a grilled tomato. Add a cup of black tea topped with a splash
This whole affairstartedwhen someone asked “What if rationality were kind of like a martial art?” And part of the answer to that question would be: you had better make the fundamentals of it perfectly, entirely, down-to-the-bone natural. But I have an even more relevant example of habi...
magnetometer (Magnetic Physik, Germany) and amounted to residual flu(ax)density Mz = 11.830 kG using the Z-componen(tb, )which is comparable with the pFaigruamree1t.eTrsheofgNeodmFeetBrypoefrmtheanexepnetrmimaegnnteatns.dTthe moadgenleotficthpeermmaeganbetiilcitmy watarisxµ(a=).1S.e0...