After a bowel movement. Inability to have a bowel movement even with sitting or straining. Small volume stool is passed out –feeling of incomplete evacuation. Tenderness, pain or itching in the rectum. The urge in these cases is eitherpersistentorintermittent(recurring every now and then). It...
Mr. Willman's tone, execution, feeling, and expression, were perfectly satisfactory. We never expect to hear them surpassed - and we can very contentedly wait for that event. His power too in sustaining his breath is very extraordinary. We were much pleased to note the numerous attendance at...
fatigue during the middle of the day. If I give into this and take a nap, I usually wake up feeling worse (which is not what would happen for everyone). However, if I instead go for a walk, drink a lot of water and have a healthy snack then I end up feeling better very quickly...