finally he is so exhausted he tries to sleep..but that doesnt help either cause he doesnt fall asleep...he ends up with a pain in the chest and head...i feel so sorry for the poor thing but there really isnt much i can do..once my mom asked him to smell in some water steam....
a fence can also prevent your dog from running into places such as wooded areas where there are ticks or from trespassing into the next yard, which could upset your neighbor. When dogs wander off into strange territory, they may eat things that are bad for them, including dangerous plants ...
My favorite of these rural “set it and forget it” dishes involved cranberry beans, also known as borlotti, and at summer’s end here in New York, when the runner beans show up at farmers’ markets in their long green, white, and red pods, I make it as often as possible. Even my...
outside! I was so good in the car! 6 hours and not even a peep. I was good down at the beach too. There were all of these dogs down there who were bad - peeing and pooping on the rug! I was a perfect angel, doing what I always do... coming out of my carrier to eat yumm...