但我收到错误:从“‘char*”到“’const uint8_t*”的转换无效定义一个指向字符常量的指针,这里,ptr是一个指向 char* 类型的常量,所以不能用ptr来修改所指向的内容,换句话说,*ptr的值为const,不能修改。但是ptr的声明并不意味着它指向的值实际上就是一个常量,而只是意味着对ptr而言,这个值是常量。...
将const uint8_t []转换为std::string可以通过以下方式实现: 1. 使用std::string的构造函数:可以直接使用std::string的构造函数将const uint8...
my_u8g2.print("--> Esp32"); mqtt_display.drawBitmap(0,0,(uint8_t *)bilibili_bitmap_leftup,60,60,BLUE); mqtt_display.drawBitmap(180,180,(uint8_t *)bilibili_bitmap_rightdown,60,60,MAGENTA); mqtt_display.drawBitmap(171,0,(uint8_t *)bilibili_bitmap_rightup,69,60,CYAN); mqt...
50 | void beginSSL(const char * host, uint16_t port, const char * url = "/", const uint8_t * fingerprint = NULL, const char * protocol = "arduino"); | ^ exit status 1 invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'const uint8_t*' {aka 'const unsigned char*'} [-fpermissive] ...
};template<classport, u1 pin>classIOpin{constexprstaticvolatileuint8_t*DDR = port::DDR();constexprstaticvolatileuint8_t*PORT = port::PORT();constexprstaticuint8_tmask =1<< pin;public:inlineIOpin(){}inlinestaticvoidoutput(){ *DDR |= mask; }inlinestaticvoidinput(){ *DDR &= ~mask;...
uint8_t converted; if(OGnum<10){ converted = numbers[OGnum]; } else{ converted = blank; } return converted; } shift7seg.h显示正在使用的数组的定义 class shift7seg{ public: //constructor, choose pins to use as well as display size ...
C-style const arrays (eg, from xxd) are uint8_t arrays. I'm not entirely sure how the mapper is aligning ro-data, but if it is translating your 8-bit array into 32-bit aligned memory, that might be taking a lot more space than you expect. I use const arrays all the time to ...
uint8_tnum =12;StringstringOne, stringTwo, stringThree, stringFour;Stringbase64image = String();stringOne= String("id=7292&num=");stringThree= String(" =");stringFour= String(base64::encode(fb->buf, fb->len));stringTwo= String(num);base64image= stringOne + stringTwo + stringThree...
[副本](const uint8_t *)buffer16表示将buffer16转换为指向不应用于修改对象的uint8_t字节的指针。
bitstream =ConstBitStream(bytes=bitstream)# Read the next header typepacket.next_header = bitstream.read('uint:8')# Read the header length, given in multiples of 8 octetsheader_length = bitstream.read('uint:8') +1# Read the optionsoptions_length = (header_length *8) -2packet.options =...