const form = this.formRef.props.form; undefined#12352 New issue ClosedDescription gametheworld opened on Sep 21, 2018I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate. Version 3.7.2 Environment react Reproduction link
const treeSelectData = ref(); treeSelectData.value = []; const doc = ref(); doc.value = {};// 修改 const modalVisible = ref(false); const modalLoading = ref(false); const handleSave = () => { modalLoading.value = true; doc.value.content = content.instance.txt.html();// 修改...
Vue3中如何在自定义脚本中调用组件方法? vue3 执行自定义脚本,自定义脚本中调用组件自身的方法,.call中传值proxy,但是无法获取getBoxByUID(), 报错提示“getBoxByUID is not defined” 2 回答1.4k 阅读✓ 已解决 相似问题 vue3 其他组件调用defineExpose定义的方法,提示formref不存在? 3 回答2.6k 阅读 vue3...
status:'prodPass', note:this.basicRef.formVales.note, // seq: '', fpmsBaseInfo:this.basicIfo, fpmsControlInfo:this.caculateRef.formVales, fpmsCostAccountingInfo:this.controllRef.formVales, fpmsPeriodPublicationInfo:this.periodRef.terms, fpmsFileInfo:this.fileRef.files, limitCode:this.limitCode...
(id) }} need /> + ) +} +const Form = forwardRef((props, ref) => { + const t = useI18n() + const [name, setName] = useState() + const [type, setType] = useState() + useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ + reset() { + setName(undefined) + setType(undefined) ...
<!-- vm.$refs.p will be the DOM node --> <p ref="p">hello</p> <!-- vm.$refs.child will be the child comp instance --> <child-comp ref="child"></child-comp>当v-for用于元素或组件的时候,引用信息将是包含DOM节点或组件实例的数组。关于ref注册时间的重要说明:因为ref本身是作为渲染...