const 在C++里面是用来定义常量的,1e-6的意思是1乘以10的-6次方 你这里应该是fabs(x)<=eps而不是 fabs(x>=eps)fabs(double a) 是求浮点小数的绝对值,整形的是abs(int i)我估计你现在是求某个方程的解 x是某两个数之间的差值吧?这句话的意思是 定义一个常量 eps=0.000001;//然后遍...
21 const double We0=0.5110034e6; 22 const double Ia=17068;//Alfen Current 23 const double eps0=8.85418782e-12; 24 const double myu0=1.25663706e-6; 25 const double kF=1/(4*pi*eps0); 26 const double kFc=1/(4*pi*eps0*c); Minor bugs corrected + User guide Nov 28, 201...
const double eps=1e-6; int head[N],nxt[N],to[N],tot=0; void add(int u,int v) { nxt[++tot]=head[u]; to[tot]=; head[u]=tot; } int du[N],deep[N];int fg1=0,fg2=0;int tmp[N]; void dfs(int x,int y) { if(x!=y) deep[x]=deep[y...
一般的 C++ 标准库实现中std::sqrt对double的重载是直接从C 标准库拿来的。而 C++ 方面没什么好办法...
inlinevoidcompare_value(ImageBuf::ConstIterator<BUFT,float> &a,intchan,floataval,floatbval, ImageBufAlgo::CompareResults &result,float&maxval,double&batcherror,double&batch_sqrerror,bool&failed,bool&warned,floatfailthresh,floatwarnthresh){
Coadministered with enzyme inducers (eg, carbamazepine), the risperidone dose should be increased up to double the patient’s usual dose If enzyme inducer is discontinued, assess risperidone dose and decrease if necessary Dosing Considerations For patient who have never taken risperidone, establish tole...
示例1: countSamplesPerSecond ▲点赞 6▼ doubleconstraint_samplers::countSamplesPerSecond(constmoveit_msgs::Constraints& constr,constplanning_scene::PlanningSceneConstPtr& scene,conststd::string& group) {returncountSamplesPerSecond(ConstraintSamplerManager::selectDefaultSampler(scene, group, constr),...
332 were patients who received RISPERDAL CONSTA®while participating in a 12-week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Two hundred two (202) of the 332 were schizophrenia patients who received 25 mg or 50 mg RISPERDAL CONSTA®. The conditions and duration of treatment with RISPERDAL CONST...
B. Red double-decker buses C. Theunderground D. Cycling 查看完整题目与答案 我国对双因素理论的运用有一个明显的特点,那就是注意在管理工作本身和生产过程的内容上来研究( )的各种因素。 A. 奖励制度 B. 人力资源 C. 激励职工积极性 D. 效率 查看完整题目与答案 单纯性肠梗阻与...