Web of Conspiracy aims to be "part reference book, part internet guide" with regard to the twenty-one conspiracy theories it covers. It serves both of these purposes, perhaps succeeding best in being a light, fast-paced read that gives a succinct and often wry introduction to its various ...
An Australian cash and banking guarantee Say NO to the W.H.O. Constitution Petition PETITION: Save the Internet PETITION: Stand up for the Uyghurs in China PETITION: Stop the 5G Rollout in Australia PETITION: Decriminalise the use of medicinal cannabis...
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Web of conspiracy: a guide to conspiracy theory sites on the internet. Emerald Group Publishing Limited; 2009. https://doi.org/10.1108/02640470910934894. Book Google Scholar Wertheimer N, Leeper E. Electrical wiring configurations and childhood cancer. Am J Epidemiol. 1979;109(3):273–84. ...
First, to understand the significance of these conspiracy narratives, we need to know how widespread they are. Individuals come across conspiracy narratives on the internet, e.g., while reading posts on social media [12]. Thus, considerable research has investigated the occurrence of conspiracy nar...
A search engine for censored Internet content. Find the answers to your problems censored by advertisers and other powerful interests! Subscribe to our free Weekly Newsletter for articles and videos on practical mathematics, Internet Censorship, ways to fight back against censorship, and other topics ...
When you are ready to address the misinformation, start by asking what the post is about, or tell them very clearly that the information they’ve shared lacks evidence. “Turn the burden on them to provide proof for what they’re doing,” said Dave. “I think the way that conspi...
Joe: See, AtThe End,Truth WillBe Known! PS: #1 Viewer of MyWebsitesWas YOU! Prevent I Sue YOU,Brought Me Here! SincerelySubmitted DANIEL PAVONCUELLAR Artist KnownAs DAPACU! THIS NOTICEWAS SERVED VIA DIRECTLYIN COURT! WarrantForArrest: ...
Inverted Airport Body Scanner Images Show Full Naked Bodies The Atlantean Conspiracy, Conspiracy, Spirituality, Philosophy and Health Blog
While not a new problem, the emergence of our hyper-networked media ecosystem has accelerated the spread of mis- and disinformation. Prior to the Internet, mobile technologies, andsocial mediaplatforms, people often relied on widely trusted sources such as local and regional media, national publicat...