HEALTHDISPARITIESThe Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) builds interdisciplinary collaborations and facilitates the sharing of knowledge to address global health challenges. It assists members in sharing their expertise across education, research, and service. It is dedicated to creating...
International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) supports the rapid improvement in competencies and skills among current and future generations of addiction professionals, to meet the increasing demand for prevention, treatment and public health services. Toward this end, the IC...
(3). "A consortium of universities has launched a joint research program on climate change. By working together, they can access a wider range of data, share research findings more quickly, and make more significant progress in understanding this global issue. Students from different universities ...
controlled by a largeconsortium,orif any headsofuniversitieschoose to ignore academic autonomy and [...] 同一道理,當一些學術機構被財 團操縱,或某些校長因要取得財團的資助而漠視學術的獨立自主和自由,學 術亦會受到財團的操縱。
The WHO-ASPHER framework proposes a set of relevant public health competencies organised in 10 sections (e.g. science practice, leadership, law policies and ethics etc). As part of the Europubhealth (EPH) consortium, eight universities collaborate for the delivery of a 2-year international ...
“It is a very relevant strategy… to enable universities across this hemisphere to collaborate” Latin America and the Caribbean have been “a great source of innovation when it comes to health reform”, Julio Frenk, president of theUniversity of Miami, stated. ...
Faculty are drawn from the graduate faculty of each of the Consortium partners - all AACSB accredited institutions within the Universities of Wisconsin. One distinguishing characteristic is the structure: the program has five core courses built around the business cycle, and each is taught by multiple...
Access to E-Resources for Indian Higher Education System and the Role of INFED (INFLIBNET Access Management Federation) Indian Universities and institutions of higher education have witnessed a boost in e-resources accessible to their users through various consortium initiatives. However, at present, ...
[...]Partnerships for Transboundary Waters, an internationalconsortium ofwater expertise, including 10 universities, seeking to promote a global water governance culture that incorporates peace, environmental protection and human security aspartoftheestablishment ofnewwater educational networks. ...
The forklift’s winning bid of $40,000 significantly contributed to the auction’s total proceeds of $2.15 million, supporting CIM’s mission to address the growing demand for skilled professionals in the concrete industry. Offered at five universities, CIM equips students ...