consonant clusterMono syllable wordsPersianphonological developmentBackground and Aim: During speech development in normal children, cluster reduction is one of the natural phonological processes. Children begin to produce some consonant clusters from the age of 2 years but ability to produce all ...
(redirected fromConsonant sound) Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Consonant sound:vowel,vowel sound con·so·nant (kon'sŏ-nănt) A speech sound produced by partial or complete obstruction to the flow of air at any point in the vocal apparatus. ...
speech-disorderedchildren.Mostanaly- sesofclusteracquisitioninnormaland disorderedspeecharetranscription- based. Itisessentialtoexploreboththese aspectsoftheacquisitionofphonologi- calcontrast.Thedevelopmentalmatura- tionofaspeaker’sabilitytorenderadult-
1.CHEN Du-xiu is one of the earlier Chinese linguists who studied on consonant cluster of ancient Chinese.陈独秀是国内较早研究复辅音声母的语言学家之一。 2.While singing Italian songs,Chinese often cannot differentiate voiceless consonant from voiced one,but read consonant cluster according to Chinese...