Mexico - Environmental Sustainability Development Policy Loan expand domestic credit as a share of GDP; more dynamism in exports to non-US destinations; favorable terms of trade with high oil prices; and the further consolidation of prudent macroeconomic policies in both the fiscal and monetary ......
A number of developments, such as a distressed bank seeking a merger and a trend of bank failures because of a sharp rise in loan losses, could push the industry toward a new investment structure. We expect, however, that the most likely move toward consolidation will...
Development of a multi-criteria spatial planning support system for growth potential modelling in the Western Cape, South Africa. Land Use Policy 2016, 50, 179–193. [CrossRef] 42. Cay, T.; Uyan, M. Evaluation of reallocation criteria in land consolidation studies using the Analytic Hierarchy...
The Effectiveness of Comprehensive Land Consolidation to Promote Rural TrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonniinnCChhiinnaa Land consolidation as an effective tool to promote rural transformation has been widely used in Eastern Europe, South Asia, and Africa [19–22,32]. HHoowweevveerr, China has a ...