A minimum set of controls and monitoring has been defined, broken down by macro-processes, sub-processes and indicators, as well as by type of site/asset, to be implemented at Group level. The focus on the site/asset is fundamental as it determines specificities in non-financial reporting ...
Furthermore, to date no investment plans for CapEx and OpEx which satisfy the requirements set out in paragraph have been drafted. For this reason, the two KPI do not include any plans for expanding the Taxonomy-aligned economic ac- tivities or allowing eligible economic activities to...
The NFS is prepared in accordance with the Italian legislative Decree 254/16 and with the GRI Standards: Core option published in 2016 by GRI - Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), taking into consideration the information deemed significant for the Stakeholders and based on the principles set out ...
At DHL Group, when we speak of our Common DNA, we mean the set of behaviors, tools and programs that we put into practice throughout the Group. Group-wide programs such as Certified, First Choice and Safety First play an important part in building the Common DNA by ...
The Group only offsets current tax assets and liabilities if it has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultan...