public final classConsoleEnabled extendsExpandableStringEnum<ConsoleEnabled> 用于登录到有权访问指定映像的映像存储库的凭据。 字段摘要 修饰符和类型字段和描述 static finalConsoleEnabledFALSE 启用控制台的静态值 False。 static finalConsoleEnabledTRUE 启用控制台的静态值 True。
ConsoleEnabled.cs Determines if twoConsoleEnabledvalues are the same. C# publicstaticbooloperator== (Azure.ResourceManager.NetworkCloud.Models.ConsoleEnabled left, Azure.ResourceManager.NetworkCloud.Models.ConsoleEnabled right); Parameters left ConsoleEnabled ...
在游戏开发中,CONSOLE_ENABLED = true是一个开发者模式的标志。一旦这个变量被设置为true,它允许开发者使用控制台命令来调试游戏。然而,这并不意味着所有控制台命令都能立即生效。通常,这需要开发者在游戏内部代码中启用或配置相关的功能。在游戏《饥荒》中,控制台命令的启用并非直接与CONSOLE_ENABLED ...
串口重定向功能开关,该功能将指定的物理串口或虚拟串口的数据映射到指定的系统串口。菜单选项为: Enabled:开启串口重定向功能。 Disabled:关闭串口重定向功能。 说明: “Serial Console Redirection”设置为“Disabled”时,本界面中的其他选项不可见。 Enabled
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop v17.12.40391 C++ Copy public: void IsIntegratedConsoleEnabled([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] bool % pEnabled); Parameters pEnabled Boolean Applies to Produ...
Enabled:启用串口重定向功能。 Disabled:停用串口重定向功能。 Enabled UART Baud Rate 串口波特率,菜单选项为: 115200 57600 19200 说明: 根据服务器的不同,此参数的菜单选项可能会有所不同,请以实际为准。 115200 Data Bits 说明: 仅以下服务器支持此参数: ...
enabled, bootconsole disabled* and everything stops there,nothing comes next.I need to hard reset the server for rebooting. I have tried giving "install video=atyfb:off" on boot: prompt before installing wheezy.but still it is not working. ...
I have three hosts host1, host2 and host3. I can access to admin console from host1:4848, host2:4848 and host3:4848, but I wanna access to it from only one, suppose host1:4848. If I set host1 in the virtual server page on admin console it doesn't work properly. Infact if th...
Enable console:/host=master/core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=console-enabled,value=true) Disable console:/host=master/core-service=management/management-interface=http-interface:write-attribute(name=console-enabled,value=false) ...
Next message: Marina Vatkina: "Re: Logger info" Previous message: Amy Roh: "regression on dynamic reconfig" In reply to: Anissa Lam: "Admin Console QL is enabled" Next in thread: Anissa Lam: "Re: Admin Console QL is enabled" Reply: Anissa Lam: "Re: Admin Console QL is enabled"Conte...