要定义别名,请在控制器中覆盖yii\console\Controller::optionAliases(),例如: namespaceapp\commands;useyii\console\Controller;classHelloControllerextendsController{public$message;publicfunctionoptions($actionID){return['message']; }publicfunctionoptionAliases(){return['m'=>'message']; }publicfunctionactionInd...
要创建一个新的命令,可以使用 make:command 命令。这个命令会创建一个命令类并存放在 app/Console/Commands 目录。 不必担心不存在这个目录,运行 make:command 命令时会首先创建这个目录。生成的命令将会包括所有默认存在的属性和方法:php artisan make:command SendEmails...
控制台命令consolecommands控制台actionindex命令 控制台命令(ConsoleCommands)控制台命令除了⽤于构建Web应⽤程序的丰富功能,Yii中也有⼀个拥有丰富功能的控制台,它们主要⽤于创建⽹站后台处理的任务。控制台应⽤程序的结构⾮常类似于Yii的⼀个Web应⽤程序。它由⼀个或多个yii\console\Controller类组成,...
Console Commands (Skyrim)/Building Materials <Console Commands (Skyrim) This page lists allBuilding Materials. To receive thebuilding materialsyou want, type the following in the console: Player.AddItem <ID> <#> "<ID>" is the actual item's ID and "<#>" refers to how many of that item...
The Symfony framework provides lots of commands through the bin/console script (e.g. the well-known bin/console cache:clear command). These commands are created with the Console component. You can als…
Console commands aren't meant for general use. Be very careful using them. They can have permanent side-effects on your save data, break your save, or have other unintended effects. If you don't understand the command, don't use it on a save you care about.SMAPI...
Console Co..另外由于这游戏有各种千奇百怪的bug可能导致招募出来的传奇英雄无法获取装备,所以我推荐大伙用这个,里面包含了所有派系的紫装(这比代码还好用,有些代码是锁阵营的)
Console Co..虽然代码包括传奇领主,但是有可能会出现一些BUG,比如卡在神器任务上,还有些一代的传奇领主没有模型是一个黑色的波耶形象。建议搭配Instant Quest Items (Without Battles
达到此目的最简单的方式就是使用 Stat FPS 指令,就如我们在进阶调整章节的控制台指令(Console Commands) 所说明的一般 … www.geforce.com.tw|基于9个网页 3. 命令行状态 2.8 –命令行状态(Console Commands) 许多黑客精英中的站点支持命令行,作用是手动输入命令。以下是指令列表及其作用。
Console Window (accepts console commands) Debug Menus (including the Portrait Editor, GUI Editor, Tweak Menu and others) Debug Info Debug Character Interactions (user can instantly change opinion, imprison and more) Ctrl + clicking on a portrait takes control of the character, while Alt + click...