The latter probably has a more precise answer than the former, but you get the gist: they’re great tools for when you’re in a tight spot or want to have fun. HOI4 Console Commands and Cheats Accessing Hearts of Iron 4’s console commands and cheats is relatively easy. All you need...
On, you can find detailed explanation for each and every argument a command has on its own command page (e.g. the spawn command). What is a country tag? A country tag is a 3 letter tag (or code) assigned to a country that is unique. It is used in commands to ...
Country TagsProvince IDsIdea Group IDsCasus Belli IDsEvent IDsHOI4 Console CommandsStellaris Console CommandsVictoria 2 CheatsAge of Empires Cheats Table ViewCard View Command NameSyntaxDescription absolutismabsolutism [amount] [country tag]This console command adds the specified amount (number) of absoluti...
Some codes will require a ‘country tag’ or ‘state ID’ to use. Finding these is super easy using ourHOI4 country tagsguide, which lists every country tag in the game. Or, if you want to create more work for yourself, open the command console, entertdebug, and hover your cursor ove...