Adds an item to your inventory based on its item ID. Parameters: <I:item ID> is the unique ID for the item to add (as shown by the list_items command). [I:count] is how many items to add to your inventory (defaults to 1). [I:quality] is the quality of the item to create...
to one place. Players may discover more commands in the weeks to come, but for now we have a pretty impressive table of console commands to use if you wish to do so. Simply head in-game inStarfield, andpress the ~ key and you’ll bring up the command console. Type in your desired...
This is a port of Selyb Multi-Utility 6.1 for JTAG-RGH Xbox 360 Skyrim players. This mod is a "console command"–like menu, which gives all Xbox players almost all PC console commands. What once was an exclusive feature to PC Skyrim is now available for Xbox One users....