Search all consignment shops nationwide and get shopping or selling today. Find amazing deals on all sorts of items in your area. If you are interested in selling your own personal items, view the perfect consignment shop and get rid of them.
As most of my previous articles can attest, I’m a big believer in balance. Shops that adhere to only one type of buying strategy are putting themselves and their talent at a disadvantage. It should be noted that two reputable retailers I reached out to who only take work on consignment ...
From The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN:"Bargain mania has helped make resale shops one of the fastest-growing segments of the retail industry," according to the National Association of Resale & Thrift Shops, based in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. The group's membership has grown 40 percent si...
Nathan Slobodkinis a native of Ann Arbor, Michigan, whose more than 40 years in the musical instrument field include an internship in the musical instrument collection of the Smithsonian Institution; five years of building violins, violas and cellos in the W.H. Lee workshop, Chicago; two year...