NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
In this context, irreversibility, which can be seen as the production of entropy in the thermodynamic process, will directly affect the emission potential with thermal effect. In this study, entropy production of the cement production line was examined with exergy analysis, and the losses due to ...
Accordingly, we omit the variables p, H and N in the thermodynamic formulations hereafter. The magnetic entropy and the phonon free energy As an example, we demonstrate the significance of the dependence of the phonon free energy on magnetic states for bcc Fe. As a starting point, we ...
However, same as the most studies, we are more interested in the effect of capillary pressure on phase behavior modeling. Thus, in this section, a dynamic flash calculation scheme is established to consider the capillary effect and preserve the consistency with thermodynamic laws. 2.1. Mole and ...
[52]F. Angulo-Brown, M. Santillán and E. Calleja-Quevedo, Thermodynamic optimality in some biochemical reactions,Il Nuovo Cimento D17(1995), 87–90.10.1007/BF02451604Search in Google Scholar [53]M. Santillán, L. A. Arias-Hernandez and F. Angulo-Brown, Some optimization criteria for bio...
While the benefits of this treatment lie in the decrease of the grain size and simulation domain, as well as the save of total simulation time. Furthermore, according to the entropy provided by the thermodynamic descriptions, the latent heat was produced during the phase transformation. Since ...
ENTROPYTURBINESIn this study, thermodynamic analysis is implemented to the kerosene‐fuelled high by‐pass turbofan (HBP‐TF) engine to assess entropy, exergy, environmental, and sustainability metrics for different design variables such as pressure ratio of high‐pressure compressor (...
This method is based on the three-dimensional distributed parameter model that considers the variation of local physical properties and a fin database that realizes fin surface selection and sizing automatically. The results of distributed thermodynamic parameters such as temperature and entropy generation...
This information is obtained from averaging theorems, thermodynamic analysis, and from linearization of the entropy inequality at near equilibrium conditions. The final forms of the equations developed show that capillary pressure is a function of interphase area per unit volume as well as saturation. ...
The rate of polymerization of cycloolefins is to a very high degree dependent on the catalyst used and so is the induction period. The order of the reaction with respect to monomer and catalyst concentration as well as activation energy and entropy have been determined. Product distribution and ...