New Liberal ‘online harms’ bill in Canada to make online hate punishable up to life in prison. More and more ultra-wealthy Brits are switching over to the Reform Party to support Nigel Farage for Prime Minister. Ukraine triggers ‘state of emergency’ in Moldova, which says it will have...
Eliza Relman
11. NewsBusters Blog + Follow Blog NewsBusters is a project of the Media Research Center (MRC), America's leading media watchdog in documenting, exposing, and neutralizing liberal media bias. The mission is to create a media culture in America where truth and...
Front Royal, Virginia— The liberal communications media frequently speak of today’s Russia as if it were simply a current version of the former Soviet Union. There are, however, many significant differences between the two. READ REST OF ARTICLE Donate You Can’t Mean It! Publisher’s ...
Several figures in conservative media suggested liberal politicians and mainstream media outlets are more outraged when Trump supporters are violent than they were about civil rights demonstrations last summer. Leading Newsmax's website for part of Thursday was a story headlined “Media Have H...
But simply replacing neo-conservative Republicans with liberal Democrats will not clean up the mess in Washington since liberal Democrats are part of the problem. Demopublicans vs. Republicrats: despite the notion that an ideological chasm separates the national Republican and Democratic parties, the ...
Facebook’s much-publicized demotion of publishers’ content in users’ news feeds has negatively impacted conservative-leaning publishers significantly more than liberal-leaning outlets, an analysis by The Western Journal has revealed. Liberal publishers have gained about 2 percent more web...
We all watched in horror as a man tried to assassinate Trump; another man threatened Brett Kavanaugh’s life; and no one should forget the horrific congressional shooting, when an angry liberal man attempted a mass murder of Republican members of Congress on a baseball field. But only one ...
In short, Facebook is more or less an extension of how conservatives see the broader media world -- full of an inherent liberal bias that has become just a part of life. "It would not be tremendously surprising to any of us to learn that the behavior that is discussed in the Gizmodo ...
Secondly, freed from the pressures of reelection, the White House has become free to move even further to the right, and away from the president’s liberal base. With all this in mind, I am posting my final updates to this text, which shall serve as a summary – albeit still an ...