Eliza Relman
Several figures in conservative media suggested liberal politicians and mainstream media outlets are more outraged when Trump supporters are violent than they were about civil rights demonstrations last summer. Leading Newsmax's website for part of Thursday was a story headlined “Media Have H...
MRCTV is an online media platform designed to broadcast conservative values, culture, politics, expose liberal media bias, and provide entertainment and information to a new and diverse audience. Our goal is to break down the boundaries between traditional conservative media and mainstream culture.MORE...
I have written articles on Freedom Convoy for readers in Poland, and I am publishing summaries of uncovered news which matters to our freedoms and fight against a liberal, globalist agenda and political correctness narrative. In 2018 together with Canadians Captains Barry and Matt Sheehy and Paul ...
Front Royal, Virginia— The liberal communications media frequently speak of today’s Russia as if it were simply a current version of the former Soviet Union. There are, however, many significant differences between the two. READ REST OF ARTICLE Donate You Can’t Mean It! Publisher’s ...
In short, Facebook is more or less an extension of how conservatives see the broader media world -- full of an inherent liberal bias that has become just a part of life. "It would not be tremendously surprising to any of us to learn that the behavior that is discussed in the Gizmodo ...
She was even the subject of several unflattering pieces from credible media outlets such as CNN, The Atlantic and Politico; none of which are right-wing outfits. Kamala Harris simply inherited the nomination because of her race, her gender, her geographical location and her Trumpian luck. She ...
They found that solid scientific research about handling pandemics existed before COVID-19 but was largely dismissed by public health officials and media outlets. Lockdown Losses and Muffling the Mask Debate One of the investigation’s most striking findings concerned lockdowns, which the jury conclu...
The Atlantic Liberal caucus is calling on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to resign as party leader in a letter expressing “deep concern” about the future of government. A million Muslims have accepted Christ in Iran as tens of thousands of mosques in the Islamic country have closed, ...
As confirmed by an Open Society Institute report by Joseph Horowitz, released in October 2010, and as reported earlier by a number of media outlets, the U.S. maintains a (formerly secret) prison in connection with the Bagram Airbase, operated by the Joint Special Operations Command and the ...