represent a crucial resource for students in their science education journey. These meticulously crafted questions are designed to reinforce key concepts covered in Chapter 5, "Conservation of Plants and Animals." They serve as a valuable aid for students to assess their comprehension, hone...
were not substitutable; coupled endangered plants and animals as surrogates yielded a higher surrogacy value than endangered plants or animals as surrogates; the plant-animal priority areas (PAPAs) was the optimal among the four types of PCAs for conserving both endangered plants and animals inYunnan...
Plants are vital to healthy cities, yet urban environments filter the plant traits we find. This study assesses the relative dominance of different seed dispersal modes among plants that establish in cities without human intent, finding that many disperse their own seeds and that seed dispersal by...
It includes both the inquiry into individual animals and their constituent parts, even to the molecular level, and the inquiry into animal populations, entire faunas, and the relationships of animals to each other, to plants, and to the nonliving environment. Though this wide range of studies ...
Killers of Earth’s Wildlife Often Take Old and Wise First Empty Rivers: The Silent Crisis of Groundwater Depletion Population Decline is Good for Human Civilization and the Biosphere The $700 Billion Question: Why Nature’s Price Tag is Breaking the Bank ...
out1,000timesfasterthannormal.Thereisalonglistofreasonswhysomanyspeciesare dyingout:airandwaterpollution,forestsbeingdestroyed,factoryfarmingandoverfishing.It isclearthathumanactivityhasnegativelyaffectedallotherspeciesonEarth,including animalsandplants.
The same approach can be used to estimate recent extinction rates for various other groups of plants and animals. One set of such estimates for five major animal groups—the birds discussed above as well as mammals, reptiles, frogs and toads, and freshwater clams—are listed in the table. Th...
quantity, productivity, resilience, and biochemical processes such as the carbon cycle, water cycle, and more. These characteristics are negatively impacted by our replacement of natural habitats with cities and farms, our pollution of the air and water, our introduction of invasive species, and ...
, Czerwona lista roślin i zwierząt ginących i zagrożonych w regionie kujawsko-pomorskim (Red list of endangered plants and animals of Kujawian-Pomeranian region). Acta Univ. Nic. Cop. Biol. 53, Suplement. Toruń, 98, 9–20 (in Polish with English summary). Google Scholar ...
Biodiversity impacts of the 2019–2020 Australian megafires Data collected from more than 2,000 taxa provide an unparalleled opportunity to quantify how extreme wildfires affect biodiversity, revealing that the largest effects on plants and animals were in areas with frequent or recent past fires and...