Kenya West forest reserve due to illegal logging, charcoal burning and Excision of the forest to allow room for farm lands and settlement. Thus human activities had a negative correlation impact on sustainable conservation of forest and wildlife .The findings demonstrates the importance of managing ...
clean water,conservation ofsoil,wildlifeandother forest ecosystem services, recreation, etc.). 虽然私营部门行为体普遍自己调动财政资源,用于具体兴趣和能力领域的行 动,但是公共部门须提供预付投资用于下列方面:众多的可持续森林管理活动; ...
必应词典为您提供wildlife-conservation的释义,un. 野生生物保护;野生动物保护; 网络释义: 野生生物资源保护;野生动物保育;对野生动物的保护;
forest management In forestry: Multiple-use concept …watershed protection, recreational use, and wildlife habitat. On public lands the multiple-use land management concept has become the guiding principle for enlightened foresters. This is a complex ecological and sociological concept in contrast to the...
Many forest bird species have suffered population declines, with the... (展开全部) 丛书信息 ··· Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation(共30册),这套丛书还有 《Parasites in Ecological Communities》《Large-Scale Landscape Experiments》《Birds and Climate Change》《Hunting Wildlife in the Tropics ...
Wildlife ConservationIn my childrens lifetimes, I believe gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans 猩猩 will all become extinc
(2012) Ethics of Wildlife Management and Conservation: What Should We Try to Protect? Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):8What should we protect when managing and conserving wildlife? There's no single answer. Competing values, and different prioritizations of values create ethical dilemmas an...
Forest degradation monitoring and assessment of biomass in Harenna Buluk District, Bale Zone, Ethiopia: a geospatial perspective Forest is one of the major natural resources which play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of nature. Detection of forest degradation with ... D Shiferaw,...
The center, first of its kind in the state, would come up in Pharenda area of Maharajganj district, about 269 km east of Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar Pradesh. "The center will be set up in an area of 5 hectares in Gorakhpur forest division," an official associated with state'...