there are lots of easy and simple ways that you can do to help conserve water around the home. Don’t worry if you can’t do everything on this list at a time. Just pick a few things to start with and add later if you can. Here are some water-saving ideas to get you going… ...
Check out ourlist of ideasgathered from the Sparkle Team and from Sparklers around the globe on how they reduce their impact on the planet. The Nature Conservancy US Fish and Wildlife Services Volunteer program Ocean Conservancy National Park Service ...
Resources: This is a great classroom book. Involve students in cleaning up the school yard, planting trees on the property, and separating recyclable items. For more ideas about how you can make a difference, visit theEarth Day website. Every Friday, authors and KidLit bloggers post a favori...
(1996). Kids, cars and conservation: children's ideas about the environmental impact of motor vehicles. International Journal of Science Education, 18(3), 347-354.BATTERHAM, D.; STANISSTREET, M.; BOYES, E. Kids, cars and conservation: children's ideas about the environmental impact of ...
Kids, cars and conservation: children's ideas about the environmental impact of motor vehicles The ideas of children about the environmental impact of motor vehicles have been explored using an open鈥恌orm questionnaire. The children were from British National Curriculum Years 7 (age 11/12 years)...
, Conservation for the Twenty-first Century (1989), compile the ideas and experiences of several dozen leading conservation scientists. Eric Chivian and Aaron Bernstein (eds.), Sustaining Life: How Human Life Depends on Biodiversity (2008), is a comprehensive but accessible treatment of ...
Your chair is made of matter, the water is matter, you are made of matter! Matter is really all around us. Almost anything that you can think of is matter, but some things that are not matter are heat, light, and your ideas. Why not? They do not take up space or have mass. ...
5 Ideas for Doubling the World's Food Supply With the world's population expanding and its arable land shrinking, how in the world are we going to have enough food to feed everyone? Here are five ways. By Becky Striepe 5 Tips for Teaching Kids About Sustainable Living As with most lesson...
Tree Conservation Facts –Information on conserving trees with facts and ideas on how everyone can help. Tree Conservation for Kids Green Tips –National Geographic page for kids which provides ideas for being green. Activities for Kids –Educational site with many hands on activities for kids to ...
It’s not fun being the thermostat or light police. But saving energy can be an enjoyable experience for your family. Try the following creative ideas that your children can participate: Energy treasure hunt.Have your kids search the house for devices or appliances that use a lot of energy....