(2001) Conservation con- flicts across Africa. Science, 291, 2616-2619.Balmford A., Moore J.L., Brooks T., Burgess N., Hansen L.A., Williams P. et al. 2001. Conservation conflicts across Africa. Science 291: 2616-2619.Balmford, A., Moore, J. L., Brooks, T., Burgess, N.,...
Conservation Con脽icts Across AfricaBalmford, AMoore, J LBrooks, TBurgess, NHansen, L AWilliams, PRahbek, C
Human wildlife conflicts have drastically increased around conservation areas in Africa over the last decades. Underlying causes are similar across regions and can most often be attributed to land-use changes and increasing human populations. However, wildlife species composition involved in conflicts can...
re camping in a popular area with plenty of people around,it’s easy to forget that you’re actually sharing space with wild animal habitats.Sometimes,too much interaction with people can disturb the natural balance and make animals more aggressive or lead to more human-wildlife conflicts.Try ...
Conserv Biol 29(3):937–938 Galvin KA, Thornton PK, De Pinho JR, Sunderland J, Boone RB (2006) Integrated modeling and its potential for resolving conflicts between conservation and people in the rangelands of East Africa. Hum Ecol 34(2):155–183 Gardali T, Dybala KE, Seavy NE (2021)...
Our study deals with human-wildlife conflicts in the Namibian component of the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA). The study reconstructs the historical occurrence of selected mammal species and adopts a socio-ecological approach to assess the impact of human dimensions in the...
“McKinsey has a catalytic role to play,” Duko adds, “because we are in the privileged position of working with leaders across geographies and sectors to help scale the solutions and act now.” related Blog To build a decarbonized future, McKinsey summit unites infrastructure leader...
> Section > Chapter Harich, F.K.; Treydte, A.C.; Sauerborn, J.; Owusu, E.H. Journal for Nature Conservation 21(5): 342-349 2013 ISSN/ISBN:1617-1381 10.1016/j.jnc.2013.05.003 037453413 Article emailed within 0-6 h Buy Now for$19.90 ...
Introducing such incentives might shape local people’s behaviour and help to mitigate human-carnivore conflicts (Nelson, 2009; Dickman et al., 2011). However, conflict management strategies are context-specific depending on the locations and participants in the human-wildlife conflict (Woodroffe et ...
The subobjective is the evolution of a political process that will marry various utilization objectives and thereby generate policies that will resolve conflicts between them. View chapterExplore book Curriculum development and evolution of capacity building for protected area management in Africa: The ...