(Philosophy)ethicsthe doctrine that an action is right or wrong according as its consequences are good or bad Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Moral particularism is commonly presented as an alternative to 'principle- or rule-based' approaches to ethics, such as consequentialism or Kantianism. This paper argues that particularists' aversions to consequentialism stem not from a structural feature of consequentialism per se, but from substantial...
According to act-consequentialism the right action is the one that produces the best results as judged from an impersonal perspective. Some claim that this requBruder, MartinTanyi, AttilaSocial Science Electronic PublishingBruder, M. & Tanyi, A. (under review) `Overdemanding Consequentialism? An ...
Individual consequentialist corresponds with the philosophy of: a. Adam Smith b. Jeremy Bentham c. John Stuart Mill d. John Locke Ethics: Ethics deals with the principles of morality, which tells us about what is right or what is wrong. It sets t...
these outcomes is realized. Here Sidgwick is an exception: he holds that if there is no (cognizable) difference between the total amounts of value of two distributions, but one of them distributes value more equally, this distribution is to be preferred. (SeeThe Methods of Ethics, p. 416 ...
The second important distinction to keep in mind when categorizing species of epistemic consequentialism is a distinction between those theories that seek to evaluate belief states and those that seek to evaluate some sort of action of some epistemic relevance. We could call the first approach an in...
- an optimific result To determine an action right or wrong 1. Quantify all the + utility resulting from the action 2. Quantify all the - utility resulting from the action 3. Take the balance between the two 4. See whether, on balance, the balance of + over - is greater than that ...
The problem with such attempts, in my book, is that they take it for granted that the questions of 20th-century ethics (consequentialism, deontology or virtue?) are the most important ones to ask. Such an approach, it seems to me, strongly limits one’s ability to learn anything of subst...
Why our judgments shift in this way is an interesting question which the linguistic theories discussed in the next section will help us answer. In Betsy’s case, the wrongness of breaking her promise to Daniel is far less than that of killing everyone in the theater with a bomb. When we ...
“Since action is never its own end, but rather the means to an end, we call an action good or evil only in respect of the consequences of the action. It is judged according to its place in the system of cause and effect. It is valued as a means. And for the value of the means...