Be Careful What You Ask for: The Negative Consequences of Unethical Requests on Job Performance and Citizenship Behaviorsdoi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53613-6.00002-2locomotionrespirationspinal cordCPGinterneuronmouse geneticsDoes receiving requests to engage in morally questionable behavior at work decrease one'...
第一, 实施不道德亲组织行为(Unethical pro- organizational behavior)。根据资源保存理论, 工作嵌入是一种员工具有丰富情感依恋资源和强烈组织认同感的状态(Halbesleben & Wheeler, 2008)。为了避免这些资源遭到损失, 他们可能会采取一些超出道德规范却似乎有益组织发展的不道德亲组织行为来“积极应对” (Proactive coping...
aThe failure of HRM to take on and stop unethical behavior can lead to expensive litigation,fines, loss of reputation or ‘‘brand’’, among other serious consequences. Effective HR leaders take great responsibility to demonstrate impeccable character and role-model trustworthiness. HRM采取和中止的...
Question: Discuss the role honesty plays in business? What are the consequences of unethical business practices and behavior? Unethical Business: An unethical business is one that does not follow ethical norms. It conducts activities that may harm society and busin...
More recently, increased attention has been paid to the dynamism of work motivation processes that operate at the within-person level (Johnson et al., 2006; Lord et al., 2010References (140) C.M. Barnes et al. Lack of sleep and unethical behavior Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ...
Integrating research on empowering leadership with the literature on power in social psychology, we examine how empowering leaders affect the propensity of
(e.g., his actions were immoral but his athletic performance is positive). Because all moral judgments link closely to the self-concept, people try to maintain a positive view of themselves in terms of their moral standards. As such, rationalizing immoral behavior to maintain support for the ...
The next offense often gets bigger.If there’s no fallout for unacceptable behavior, the offense will likely not only get repeated, but the wrongdoer may try toget away with morethe next time. Improper behavior becomes the norm.People mimic the behavior of others. Before you know it, unaccep...
Payment for vaccination is ethical index: we aggregated the answers to the following two items: (i) financial rewards for vaccinating against COVID-19 are unethical (reverse-coded); (ii) I would support the introduction of monetary payments of SEK 500 for those who get vaccinated (or are alr...
(protecting some of the richest ecosystems on Earth). Nevertheless, there are too many proposed schemes of other types (e.g., large dams) that could have detrimental effects on biodiversity. Until we recognize that conserving biodiversity is in the interest of local and global communities, the ...