it is important to know that about two-thirds of sexual assaults among teens and college students were linked to alcohol consumption. Underage drinking is also linked to suicide, traffic accidents, and violence. Because there is zero tolerance for underage drinking and driving in Minnesota, a ...
To examine the frequency of underage drinking, driving after drinking and alcohol-related crashes, trends in these behaviors, and promising interventions.We examined drinking and drinking- and-driving behaviors reported in the United States in the 2001 U.S. National Household Survey of Drug Abuse,...
In more complicated situations, a teenager with a DUI will also face jail time as long as a year for first-time offenses. Those teenagers who have been caught drinking and driving for the second time will always receive mandatory jail time. The amount of time served can be as long as a ...
As most folks should know, if you are under the age of 21 you are not allowed to consume alcohol in Tennessee (and all other states in the U.S.). In fact, an underage person who has been drinking or is […] Read More The Tennessee Legislature passed several new laws that became ...
Localization of relevant consequences in anti-drinking and driving PSAs: A new approach to targeting underage college students? Health Marketing Quarterly - Gotthoffer - 1999 () Citation Context ...ust believe the problem is serious and that he is personally susceptible, that changing the behavior...
Reboussin BA, Song E-Y, Wolfson M: Social influences on the clustering of underage risky drinking and its consequences in communities. J Stud Alcohol Drugs 2012;73:890-898.Reboussin BA, Song EY, Wolfson M. Social influences on the clustering of underage risky drinking and its consequences ...
Localization of relevant consequences in anti-drinking and driving PSAs: A new approach to targeting underage college students? Health Marketing Quarterly - Gotthoffer - 1999 () Citation Context ...ust believe the problem is serious and that he is personally susceptible, that changing the behavior...