What were the long-term consequences of the 2000 presidential election? What were the consequences of the Holocaust? What were the political implications of the Athenian Constitution? What did the Emancipation Manifesto do? What were the consequences of the Indian Removal Act?
Value of voteCorporate controlEmerging marketsWe examine the effect of the 2005 Banking Regulation Amendment Bill and the 2011 Banking Laws Amendment Bill proposals for removal of the 10 percent voting rights cap in Indian Banks. The 2011 Banking Laws Bill was first introduced in 2005, but lapsed...
2. The “facts” of financial consolidation 3. The causes of financial consolidation 4. Research on the market power consequences of consolidation 5. Research on the efficiency consequences of consolidation 6. Research on the consequences of consolidation for the availability of services to small cust...
Biofouling has been referred to as “the Achilles heel” of reverse osmosis (RO) membrane technology; the main cause being polyamide RO membranes lack of chlorine tolerance. Biofouling increases the operating cost of water treatment by increasing RO system feed pressure (i.e., energy demand) and...
Malaria parasites such as Plasmodium falciparum have exerted formidable selective pressures on the human genome. Of the human genetic variants associated with malaria protection, beta thalassaemia (a haemoglobinopathy) was the earliest to be associated w
The spread of novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the pandemic COVID-19 has emerged as a global matter of concern in the last couple of months. It has rapidly spread around the globe, which initially began in the city of Wuhan, People’s Republic of China and is hypothesized to...
Radionuclide contamination is a concerning threat due to unexpected nuclear disasters and authorized discharge of radioactive elements, both in the past an
Dietary magnesium (Mg) deficiency is more prevalent than generally suspected, and can cause cardiovascular lesions leading to disease at all stages of life. The average American diets is deficient in Mg, especially in the young, in alcoholic persons, and in those under stress or with diseases or...
of antimicrobial resistance repeated itself many times over in the years to come, with many other antibiotics and for a wide range of pathogens. At the same time, ambitious programs to eliminate malaria suffered setbacks for a variety of reasons in various parts of the world. 6 Similarly, ...
1. The Evolution of Koch's Postulates 2. Nature and Pathogenicity of Micro-organisms 3. Host Responses to Infection 4. Emerging and Re-emerging Pathogens and Diseases, and Health Consequences of a Changing Climate 5. Mathematical Models in Infectious Disease Epidemiology 6. Infection Prevention and...