2. Diabetic Cerebral Thrombosis: Research shows that people with diabetes are 12 times more likely to develop cerebral thrombosis compared to the general population. High blood sugar levels increase blood viscosity and platelet aggregation, leading to slow blood flow and an increased risk of brain bl...
Of concern, a number of observational human studies suggest that weight cycling is associated with poor cardiometabolic outcomes and increased risk of Type 2 diabetes [3, 4]. Mouse models of weight cycling, which involve alternating between high fat and chow diets, have demonstrated the potential ...
Artem has a doctor of veterinary medicine degree.Cite this lesson Just like anything else, the cells in your body can accumulate dirt, dust, or other waste. If the cells can't process that waste, there can be serious repercussions for the body. Discover the consequences of intracellular accum...
The consumption of SSBs, incorporated into a “balanced diet”, is described as being a part of healthy lifestyles. For example, the BSDA stated that “key risk factors for heart failure include high blood pressure, which is a consequence of an overall unhealthy diet and lack of exercise”....
Weight gain often goes hand in hand with metabolic abnormalities. Metabolic syndrome—a cluster of conditions including excess abdominal fat, high blood sugar, abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels and high blood pressure—raises the risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and strokes. ...
Herein, we review the devastating consequences of the worldwide obesity epidemic on kidney health and outcomes. We submit that the obesity epidemic is the most pressing public health crisis facing the nephrology community today. A historical approach has been undertaken, wherein major breakthroughs in...
Since the first spin of the wheel depends on increased productivity, the biggest priority for countries in later wave regions is to boost productivity growth, converging with levels of high-income economies. The productivity gap today is large in later wave regions, ranging from...
The effects of genetic liability to Alzheimer’s disease on blood-based biomarkers and physical measures in HUNT closely mirror those in UK Biobank (Figs. 5 and 6). Other replicated effects included a lower odds of the participant’s mother having diabetes, dietary habits such as a higher ...
Botulism has a high rate of fatal outcome, and death occurs owing to failure of the respiratory system. The blood of a patient who is showing symptoms of botulism can be serologically tested for botulinum toxin, this is the best verification of the diagnosis (Rogers et al., 1964). 19.3....
The highly variable immune receptors are supposed to not interact with small molecules (< 1000 Da), as the high specificity of the immune receptors requires a certain size of its antigens to be recognized as antigen and be differentiated from other structures. If the antigen was very small, ...